Friday, January 29, 2010

Culture Jam: Plenitude

I do agree that many Americans suffer from plenitude. Everyone at one point has made a complaint about something they have that just wasn't enough for them. It takes someone else to tell them that they "got it good". You only realize if something is good enough when you strive for it, because when something is given to you it seems meaningless and not enough. I also do agree when the author, Kalle Lasn, says "without satisfaction, our lives become shallow and meaningless." Everyone has desires and expectations that must be fulfilled, or life would be pointless.


  1. This is a great start Tiara. I'd love to see you work through your ideas a bit more in writing. I'm interested in your ideas on plenitude. When is enough enough? Do we even know anymore? Is it human nature to always want more? If so, what is the cost of these ceaseless desires?

  2. There are a lot of people that I have converstations with that say "dont waste this food, or your throwing away nice items that people dont have in different countries" etc. As I think about it americans have a lot of nice things that some of as dont take for seriously.

  3. I used to babysit quite often. It would never amaze me when I would go to a childs birthday and they would get so much stuff. By the time they got to the last gift they had forgotten to be thankful for the gifts. The gifts had somehow managed to get old in the 25 minutes that they were opening other gifts.

  4. You made a very good point. I don't know how many times I've heard some of the kids I babysit complain about how bad they have it, want they want and their parents have to tell them they have it good. Why can't people be happy with what they have and stop wanting?

  5. I completely agree with this. So many times have I said to myself, "if only I had this or that I would be happy". But after achieving some of things I said this about, I noticed I just wanted more and have learned it is rewarding to say no sometimes.

  6. I liked how you tied in the quote about satisfaction. This is very interesting because our whole world is based off of the idea of satisfaction and self acceptance. We do thinks in order to please ourselves or set ourselves up for a better life.
