Friday, February 5, 2010


This week as we critically studied ads I learned how to understand them for what they really were. Ads have in a sense so many negative qualities that people don't even conciousely see. Such things as making someone buy on impulse or even conform to society. Ads define normalcy to some people. They sell sex more than they sell the product being advertised. Media knows that these ads are what sell. Therefore matters will only get worse.


  1. I have to agree with you. I don't think the media will ever stop putting these ads out because they're the reason why they get so much attention.

  2. Yes I agree with this. I doubt the media will stop using sex and violence in ads just because it's wrong. What do they care if they're making money? Overall I agree with you but I think more details would help get your point across.

  3. I reluctantly agree. Advertisers know what the masses want and they will do their best to give it to them. This will happen for one reason and one alone, our societies love of the green.

  4. I agree that we do use sex and gender qualities to sell products. I do not think that we can change the way big companies advertise, but I think my using counter examples we can get the point across. Things like adbusters is a great way to show the negative side of a product.
