Friday, February 19, 2010


Reading Feed after Culture Jam was a major transition. It is sad because I can see Feed being a reality. I don't thank that society will ever change, the only thing it will do is get worse. The gadgets that are coming out now and days are ridiculous. There really isn't any point for them. It is also ashame on how much we rely on technology. It is everything to most of us. And everyone always has an excuse on why they need it. There is no reason we should rely on something as much as we do. Also it's almost weird how back when Thoreau wrote Walden there was already a sense of how society would be. This was back when such things were not even thought of yet. I can only imagine how things are going to be in the future.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Dumbest Generation

Before watching Mark's video called The Dumbest Genereation I automatically took offense. Only after listening to what he had to say did I agree with him. When it comes to certain categories we are indeed the dumbest generation. Mark backed his point up very strongly. The other two videos made his point even stronger. Our generation would argue that we are not the dumbest genereation. It isn't that we are dumb it's the fact that we have a lack of knowledge in specific places. Things such as American literature was one of the main ones bought to our attention in class. A lot of these books I had to read throughout highschool. It wasn't what I wanted but I did focus on it. Not all schools make all of their students have certain reading criteria. Mark was also correct when he said we rely on technology. I think without people would push themselves harder. Now that we have google and other search engines someone could simply type in what they need or may want to know, having to do no research themselves. Everyone in our generation are not like this but enough people are. This is something that I personally think needs to change.

Friday, February 5, 2010


This week as we critically studied ads I learned how to understand them for what they really were. Ads have in a sense so many negative qualities that people don't even conciousely see. Such things as making someone buy on impulse or even conform to society. Ads define normalcy to some people. They sell sex more than they sell the product being advertised. Media knows that these ads are what sell. Therefore matters will only get worse.